Sodexo Global Shared APIM

Management & Catalog Platform for Building our Digital Business and Supporting our Innovation Journey

Having a robust API strategy is a critical component to the success of our Transformation Journey. Application architectures keeps on evolving towards a distributed, microservice-oriented models that leverages SaaS and multi-cloud architectures. In order to ensure we keep up with the pace of change and deliver our services to our Consumers and Clients in a modern way, we need the ability to create discoverable, well-documented, secure, scalable and easy to use APIs.

What is an API ?

The Benefits of the Sodexo Shared APIM Platform and Catalog

The API Catalog as a self-service one-stop-shop to find published APIs across our business lines, domains and regions. You can get a quick access to valuable data and standardized documentation to accelerate your integration development project for your app or web.
Published APIs are more reusable and make data assets transparent, sharable and reusable; which allows our Clients to easily make business with us and in turn reduce our development cost and time to market.
Promoting a modular development practice by using APIs. The Sodexo Shared API Platform supports modularization of APIs into Products, thus enabling a targeted data experience for our internal communities as well as for our Consumers and Clients.
API Management act as a mediation layer Decoupling exposed APIs source from target via the API Management and taking advantage of a standardized approach (RESTful APIs, OpenAPI specs, etc…), simplifies the data integration, reduces the cost of change and improves security.
Built-in security tools. No more direct, back-end data access. The Global Shared API Management portal allows API consumers to easily connect to valuable data resources and enables API producers to secure their APIs.

How it works ?

Prepare your agile squad. Learn Azure API Management
and follow the below steps

Sodexo Internal Private API's

GIS Internal


Delivering Services APIs


Digital Identity Services APIs


Enabling Services APIs
